2 Responses

  1. Hi Gary,
    Do you happen to remember where you purchased that water container and the dimensions? Apologies if that info is located somewhere else on your site.

    Also, I see you have it hooked up to a pump. How do you get that over to your sink? Under the floor?

    Thanks for maintaining this site. It’s a great resource.

    1. Hi John,
      I believe the tank came from these guys: https://www.plastic-mart.com/

      The outlet from the pump does indeed cross the floor — it basically goes through a notch I cut in the polyiso insulation.
      This has proved to be a bit of a weak point in really cold weather as this pipe tends to freeze and is hard to thaw.
      If I had it to do over, I’d probably try a bit harder to get the fresh water tank on the same side of the van as the galley.


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